class Crypt::Crypter


Encrypt / Decrypt using OpenSSL Cipher. See

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, digest = :sha1, cipher_algo = "aes-256-cbc") #

Creates a new Crypter instance.

Instance Method Detail

def cipher_decrypt(value : Bytes) : Bytes #

Decrypt value encrypted by #cipher_encrypt.

def cipher_encrypt(value) : Bytes #

Encrypt the value which should be decrypted by #cipher_decrypt. See also #encrypt, #encrypt_and_sign.

def decrypt(value : Bytes, kind : Symbol, sign_error = Signer::INVALID_SIGN) : Bytes #

Equivalent to #verify_and_decrypt, just a shortcut.

def decrypt(value : String, kind : Symbol, sign_error = Signer::INVALID_SIGN) : Bytes #

Equivalent to #verify_and_decrypt, just a shortcut.

def decrypt(value : Bytes) : Bytes #

Equivalent to #cipher_decrypt, just a shortcut.

def encrypt(value : Bytes, kind : Symbol) : String #

Equivalent to #encrypt_and_sign, just a shortcut.

def encrypt(value : String, kind : Symbol) : String #

Equivalent to #encrypt_and_sign, just a shortcut.

def encrypt(value) : Bytes #

Equivalent to #cipher_encrypt, just a shortcut.

def encrypt_and_sign(value : Bytes) : String #

Encrypt and sign a value. We need to sign the value in order to avoid padding attacks. Reference:

def encrypt_and_sign(value : String) : String #

Encrypt and sign a value. We need to sign the value in order to avoid padding attacks. Reference:

def signer : Signer #

def verify_and_decrypt(value : String, sign_error = Signer::INVALID_SIGN) : Bytes #

Verify and decrypt a signed value. We need to verify the value in order to avoid padding attacks. Reference:

def verify_and_decrypt(value : Bytes, sign_error = Signer::INVALID_SIGN) : Bytes #

Verify and decrypt a signed value. We need to verify the value in order to avoid padding attacks. Reference: